The Best Microdermabrasion Treatment

What is our Microdermabrasion all about?
Microdermabrasion essentially involves targeting very small sectors (hence the name micro) or areas of your skin (derma) for mechanically stripping away and removing the dead skin cells as well as debris (abrasion).The 3 main methods that we use for Microdermabrasion at our Microdermabrasion Salon in Pakenham involve:-
- Delivering refined crystals at very high speed (Crystal abrasion)
- Using a diamond tip (Diamond abrasion),and
- Using water dispersion technology (Hydrabrasion).
At our Microdermabrasion Salon in Melbourne we offer all these methods, either separately or in a combined protocol depending on the condition of the skin of the recipient.Our removal of dead skin or exfoliation of the dead skin cells and the surface debris will not only clean up the skin and open up the pores, but it will also augment the generation of new skin cells.
Our Microdermabrasion in Melbourne is an absolutely painless and non-invasive, cost effective treatment with no downtime. We will refine, hydrate and rejuvenate your skin with a single treatment session.This makes us your one stop solution for skin rejuvenation in Pakenham.
Our Microdermabrasion not only offers skin rejuvenation in Melbourne, but will improve
- Tired and, dull skin
- Dehydrated and dry skin
- Sun damage
- Acne
- Fine lines and age wrinkles
- Pigmentation
- Stretchmarks
- Scars
Thus you see, our Microdermabrasion treatment in Pakenham will go all the way to revitalise your skin to make you look fresh, fine and youthful.